ProjectWise Explorer Help

Signing In to Bentley and Logging In to Datasources

Logging in to your datasource in ProjectWise Explorer provides you with access to the specific work areas, folders, and documents in that datasource that you have permission to view or work with. You will log in using the login credentials (user name and password) that your administrator has set up for you for that particular datasource. Contact your administrator if you need access to a particular datasource, or if you forget what your login credentials are.

Sign In to Bentley

Important: The CONNECTION Client is automatically installed when you install ProjectWise Explorer. Before logging in to any datasource, you MUST first sign in to Bentley using the CONNECTION Client in order to activate the product, to report product usage to the Subscription Entitlement Service, and to confirm that you have an entitlement (a license) to use ProjectWise Explorer. Generally, the CONNECTION Client automatically signs you in to Bentley when you start your computer, but you will be prompted to sign in to Bentley during ProjectWise login if you are not already signed in.

Log In to a Datasource

Logging in can be as easy as double-clicking your datasource and following the prompts as directed. First time users will also need to setup their working directory as part of the login process.

For subsequent logins, you can usually just click double-click the datasource and you will be automatically logged in using the same authentication type and credentials as the last time you logged in.

CAUTION: Multiple users should never share the same physical working directory, as it can cause problems with check outs and exports.

The steps below are intended to show what the login process looks like for first-time users.

  1. Use any of these methods to initiate log in:
    • Double-click a datasource
    • Click the + symbol next to the datasource
    • Right-click a datasource and select Log in
    • Right-click a datasource and select Log in as
    • Select a datasource and select Datasource > Log in
    • Select a datasource and select Datasource > Log in as

    The ProjectWise Log In dialog opens with the Datasource already selected.

    Note: The Log in as option is used to bypass automatic login, if needed, on subsequent logins. Otherwise, clicking the + symbol next to the datasource, or double-clicking a datasource, or right-clicking a datasource and selecting Log in will automatically log you in to the datasource (the ProjectWise Log In dialog will skipped) using the same authentication type as your previous login, if your previous login was with any of the authentication types except ProjectWise authentication.
  2. Click the CONNECTION Client button (if available) to sign in to Bentley on this computer using your Bentley IMS account (not the same as logging in to the datasource).

    When the Sign in dialog opens, enter the email address that is associated to your Bentley IMS account and click Next.

    After signing in, the CONNECTION Client button goes away. If the CONNECTION Client button is not there when the Log in dialog opens, it means you already signed in to Bentley on this computer through the CONNECTION Client.

  3. Select how you want to log in (Authentication type).
    To log in with: Do this:
    a simple user name and password Set Authentication to ProjectWise and enter your User Name and case-sensitive Password.
    the credentials of your associated Windows domain account Set Authentication to Windows Domain and turn on Use Windows Single Sign-On for authentication.

    (Turn off Use Windows Single Sign-On if you need to manually enter the credentials of a different Windows user.)

    the credentials of your associated Bentley IMS account using basic Bentley IMS authentication Set Authentication to Bentley IMS.
    Note: If one of the authentication types listed above does not show up in the Log In dialog, it means that the authentication type is not enabled or configured in this datasource and you cannot log in with the related type of credentials.
  4. Click Login.
  5. Establish your working directory for this datasource.

    The working directory is the folder (on the local file system, or network) where files are downloaded to when you open, check out, or copy out documents from this datasource.

    The first time you log in, you are prompted to create your working directory folder. This step is required to log in.

    • If your administrator has defined a default working directory location in your user settings, you are prompted to create the working directory in that default location.

      Click Yes to create the working directory in the default location (as shown in the dialog), or click No to open the Browse For Folder dialog and select where you want to create the working directory.


    • If your administrator has not defined a default working directory location in your user settings, you are prompted to select where you want to create the working directory.

      In the Select working directory dialog, select an existing folder, or create a new folder and select it, then OK.

    Tip: You will not be prompted about the working directory on subsequent logins, unless you rename, move, or delete the working directory, or unless you log in to the same datasource but on a different computer for the first time.

Once you establish the working directory, you are finally logged in.

When log in is successful, your ProjectWise user name appears to the right of the datasource, and the datasource's icon changes to the Active icon. If you log in to multiple datasources, your user name will appear next to them all, however, only the datasource you are working in will display the Active icon (the rest will display the Open icon).

Bypass Automatic Login

  1. Right-click a datasource and select Log in as.
  2. Select how you want to log in (Authentication type).
    To log in with: Do this:
    a simple user name and password Set Authentication to ProjectWise and enter your User Name and case-sensitive Password.
    the credentials of your associated Windows domain account Set Authentication to Windows Domain and turn on Use Windows Single Sign-On for authentication.

    (Turn off Use Windows Single Sign-On if you need to manually enter the credentials of a different Windows user.)

    the credentials of your associated Bentley IMS account using basic Bentley IMS authentication Set Authentication to Bentley IMS.
  3. Click Login.

Log Out

  • Select a datasource and select Datasource > Log out.


  • Right-click a datasource and select Log out.


  • Exit ProjectWise Explorer - this logs you out of all datasources you are logged in to on this computer.